Sexual Health
Non-fiction articles about using erotic hypnosis to improve your sexual health, relationships, and pleasure.
Sensual Touching with Hypnosis
The mind may be your most powerful sex organ, but your skin is the largest and most sensitive. Mindful awareness of sensual touching, makes every touch more sensual, intimate, and pleasurable.
Kegel Exercises – Building Motivation through Hypnosis
Motivate yourself to perform the Kegel exercises by using hypnosis to create an emotional connection between performing the exercises and anticipation of pleasure and intimacy.
How to Talk about Sexual Fantasies and Fetishes
Two strategies for talking about your sexual fantasies, kink, or fetish without fear of rejection, especially the hypnosis/ mind control kink.
How Hypnosis Can Help Bi-Curious Women
Hypnosis helps bi-curious women resolve conflicting beliefs and desires, and creates positive anticipation for the experience of being with other women.