What is Sexy?

Comi - World's Greatest Hypnotist

What is sexy? For many people it’s confidence, self mastery, or the mastery of a skill. But for hypnosis enthusiasts, it’s a combination of confidence, skill, imagination, creativity, and the ability to create sexual rapport.

This comic represents a popular fantasy among hypnosis enthusiasts, the fantasy of being hypnotized without being consciously aware of it. People who find this sexy want more than just to be hypnotized. They want to be awed, amazed, and sometimes surprised. They also want to be seduced by a hypnotist they can respect and with whom they’ll feel safe. All of these feelings add to the eroticism of discovering they’ve been hypnotized.

At first, this might seem like a stark contrast to subjects who want to know everything that the hypnotist says. But both types of subjects are attracted to the hypnotists’ skills. Why are skills attractive? I think the answer can be found in one the BDSM community’s favorite sayings:

“You must master yourself before you can master others.”

Someone who demonstrates mastery of a skill (any skill) is demonstrating the results of years of self discipline, and a focused effort towards self mastery. When a submissive hypnofetishst sees such self-mastery, they take it as evidence that the hypnotist is both capable of dominating them and worthy to do so.

Hypnofetishists are not the only people attracted skills. I believe it is a major contributing factor for people who are attracted to artists, musicians, and writers. And attraction to self-discipline is likely a major factor for people who are attracted to soldiers and athletes. But for the submissive hypnofetishist, this self-mastery is even more important.

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Submissive hypnofetishists want to let a hypnotist into their mind. They want the hypnotist to manipulate their thoughts and feelings, and in extreme cases to change their very identity. A high-level of skill is essential to make such changes while protecting the subject’s mental health. A hypnotist who hasn’t mastered their skills might fail to make the desired changes, or worse, cause psychological harm.

Every art and industry includes a few hacks and opportunists who will slap together a half-assed effort to make a quick buck. And the Adult Entertainment industry has more than most. Since the early 1980s, porn has been produced like an assembly-line product, quick and cheap. But when you’re letting someone play with your mind, that’s not acceptable. Because unlike watching porn, listening to erotic hypnosis can effect lasting changes the underlying structure of the mind.

But just like watching porn (or tv shows), listening to the same words over and over, can dull the brain’s receptors. This leads to boredom and frustration. Skill, imagination, creativity, and variety are necessary for a truly erotic listening experiences.