You can Enjoy Eating Healthy
Eating healthy is essential for any fitness goal, whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, train for a competition, or recover from illness. Many people view eating healthy as a chore or an imposition. But you can enjoy the process of discovering and preparing healthy meals. And you can enjoy eating the healthy meals you discover.
This unique hypnosis MP3 is based on my own experience learning to prepare meals that support my fitness goals. This program helps you visualize the process of eating healthy:
- setting a goal for yourself,
- discovering your own unique nutritional needs,
- discovering meals to support your goals, preparing those meals
- and then eating them.
Throughout the MP3, positive affirmations help you connect feelings of enthusiasm, enjoyment and satisfaction to the process of discovering, planning, and preparing healthy meals.
Instructions are given for mindful eating and being attentive to your body’s responses. So you can discover hidden allergies or food intolerances. Suggestions are also given for self confidence, positive self talk, and reduced social eating during holiday gatherings.
Gender neutral. Completely non-sexual.
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